Carl-Harry Stålhane Miniature Green Vase
A vibrant miniature vase by Carl-Harry Stålhane for Rörstrand, Sweden, circa 1955.
Throughout the 1950's & 60's Rörstrand produced miniature vases, inspired by ancient Chinese ceramics, to demonstrate their craftspersonship and technical capabilities.
This exquisite squat vessel features a glossy glaze in a saturated pea green colour. In shape, colour and shine, the vase is atypical of Rörstrands miniature output as most featured one of their many 'hares fur' glazes, for which the factory is well known.
Model Number: SPA
Designer: Carl-Harry Stålhane
Manufacturer: Rörstrand
Year of Design: C. 1955
Dates Produced: C. 1955
Colour: Green
Height: 6 cm, Diameter: 6 cm
Condition: Perfect. Factory second due to glaze imperfection at foot.
Branding: Incised with Rörstrand mark, ‘CHS’ and model number.