Nanny Still 'Pörriäinen' Vase
A 'Pörriäinen' vase, designed by Nanny Still for Riihimäen Lasi Oy, Finland, 1963.
Nanny Still's name for this sculptural vase is 'Pörriäinen', which roughly translates into English as 'Bumblebee'. Whilst this association may seem abstract at first, the heavy, bulbous body of this vase is, indeed comparable to that of a bee - particularly when considering the delicate folded rim which appears almost as 'wings'.
The object dates from a time when Still was beginning to experiment with cased glass. Many designs from this period such as 'Rex', 'Paraati' and 'Pörriäinen' share a bold & sturdy aesthetic, but each also contain the subtle details & delicate characteristics so associated with Still's portfolio. 'Pörriäinen's distinctive folded rim is a detail which is both unconventional & technically challenging; Still explored various glassblowing techniques throughout her career & fully utilised the skill & knowledge of Riihimäki's glassblowers with her designs.
Model Name: ‘Pörriäinen'
Designer: Nanny Still
Manufacturer: Riihimäki Glassworks
Year of Design: 1963
Dates Produced: 1964-66
Colour: Grey
Height: 13.5 cm, Diameter: 10 cm
Condition: Good with some scratches & residue. Unsigned.