Nanny Still 'SV' Bowl
Nanny Still's turquoise 'SV' series, produced by Riihimäen Lasi Oy, dates from the very beginning of her career in 1950.
Still's early works for Riihimäki are influenced by Organic Modernism; a predominantly Finnish design movement supremely demonstrated by their designers of glass.The movement, observed in the few years surrounding 1950, was sparked by Gunnel Nyman who inspired a new generation of designers in Finland to look towards nature and experiment with modernity in a soft and abstract manner. This bowl offers not only an early example of Nanny Still's work, but also a tangible insight into this pivotal moment in the unique history of Finnish glass.
Model Name: ‘SV’
Designer: Nanny Still
Manufacturer: Riihimäki Glassworks
Year of Design: 1950
Dates Produced: 1950-57
Colour: Turquoise
Height: 7 cm, Diameter: 7.5 cm
Condition: Perfect
Branding: Hand etched ‘Riihimäen Lasi Oy Nanny Still’