Susan Parkinson Robin
A slip-cast white porcelain figurine of a plump Robin, modeled and decorated in black glaze by Susan Parkinson. The Robin, Model 74, was designed by Susan following the success and popularity of the 'Mouse' figurine, designed especially for a shop in Mousehole, Cornwall.
After WWII, tourism grew exponentially in mid-twentieth century Britain. In 1957, in response to the expansion of the gift shop market, Susan designed this Robin and a Wren. Both birds are as charming & characterful as the picturesque holiday villages they were likely sold in.
Model Number: 74
Model Name: ‘Robin’
Designer: Susan Parkinson
Manufacturer: Parkinson Pottery
Year of Design: C. 1957
Dates Produced: C. 1957-63
Colour: Black, white
Height: 7.5 cm, Width: 7.5 cm, Depth: 5 cm
Condition: Very good, some crazing.
Branding: Impressed with ‘P’ mark used on small items but P is illegible.